The Difference Between Core Supports And Capacity Building

The National Disability Insurance Scheme, also known as the NDIS, involves the provision of funding to eligible people with a disability. This is intended to enable access to services and programs that will increase the ability to reach goals and aspirations, gain independence and new skills, and find and maintain employment.

The NDIS funding provides access to a range of options most relevant to the individual, such as sporting clubs, education programs, health care, and volunteer groups. If you are approved for a NDIS plan, there are different support categories that your provided funding can be allocated to.

Two of the categories related to NDIS funding are Core Supports and Capacity Building.

What are Core Supports?

Core Supports help you with everyday activities, your current disability-related needs and to work towards your goals. Your Core Supports budget is the most flexible, and in most cases, you can use your funding across any of the following four support categories. However, there are instances where you do not have flexibility in your funding, particularly for transport funding

  1. Assistance with Daily Life

    This funding may include help with activities of daily living (for example, personal care and hygiene support) and household cleaning and/or yard maintenance

  2. Consumables

    Everyday items you may need. For example, continence products or low-cost assistive technology and equipment to improve your independence and/or mobility.

  3. Assistance with Social and Community Participation

    This support is to help you access activities and programs that can improve your overall wellbeing and community involvement and contribution.

  4. Transport

    This funding can help you to travel to places such as work and healthcare appointments. The use of transport and the destinations must be relevant to your disability. 

What are Capacity Building Supports?

Funds allocated under Capacity Building are to enable you to build your independence and skills, capacity building support items have the potential to reduce your need for NDIS funded support in the future. Capacity Building funds may be able to be spent flexibly within a Support Category, but cannot be used flexibly between support categories. 

Examples of supports you might find in the Capacity Building Budget include: therapy supports such as occupational therapy, physiotherapy or speech pathologist. Individual skill development, mentoring, nursing, plan management, support coordination, etc.

  1. Support Coordination

    This is a fixed amount for a Support Coordinator to help you use your plan

  2. Improved Living Arrangements

    Support to help you find and maintain an appropriate place to live.

  3. Increased Social & Community Participation

    Development and training to increase your skills so you can participate in community, social and recreational activities.

  4. Finding & Keeping a Job

    This may include employment-related support, training and assessments that help you find and keep a job, such as the school leaver employment supports.

  5. Improved Relationships

    This support will help you develop positive behaviours and interact with others.

  6. Improved Health and Wellbeing

    Including exercise or diet advice to manage the impact of your disability. The NDIS does not fund gym memberships.

  7. Improved Learning

    Examples include training, advice and help for you to move from school to further education, such as university or TAFE.

  8. Improved Life Choices

    Plan management to help you manage your plan, funding and paying for services.

  9. Improved Daily Living
    Assessment, training or therapy to help increase your skills, independence and community participation. These services can be delivered in groups or individually.


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